When in Danger

December 15, 2022 — Krystal Craven
The devotional title text of "When in Danger" overlaying a stormy ocean horizon with a boat in the midst of waves and a red, cloudy sky.

So they set out, and as they sailed [Jesus] fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water and were in danger. And they went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm. (Luke 8:23-24)

When the disciples were afraid at the windstorm that had arisen, we read that they were in danger as the windstorm was actively filling their boat with water. They could have struggled a bit more, trying to navigate the boat by themselves through the windstorm. After all, several of them were experienced fishermen, having grown up on the lake.

Their Experiences with Jesus Trumped Their Experience on the Lake

The disciples had been following Jesus and seen the things He was doing in their lives and the lives of others, with the authority He regularly displayed, so they turned and called out to Him – their personal teacher and leader – when they found themselves in need.

In the midst of the storm and danger, instead of relying on their own knowledge or experience, they went to Jesus.

Many of us nowadays probably don’t live lives where we find ourselves in much physical danger the way the disciples did in this situation. But we will all have times of feeling fear, doubt, and uncertainty, and we should make the habit of going to Jesus in those times of faltering.

Who Ya Gonna Call?

In the current era of technology, academia, government programs, etc. it can be very tempting to seek other things for help. And while in some instances, you may find adequate help, or God may even choose to use other sources to aid you – it is telling of your heart whether you turn to God first during your times of need.

We as human beings will naturally look to whomever we trust most when we need help. This can be a real heart check moment. Who do you find yourself turning to lately when you need help?

Is it yourself, your spouse, your parent, your pastor, your friends, your government…? If it’s anything other than God, it’s time to repent and make God your fortress and take Him up on being your ever-present help in time of need.

Think on the experiences you’ve had where God has met you and been faithful to help in your situation. You may not have turned to Him first, the outcome may not have turned out the way you wanted, but I can guarantee you God was faithful to you. God has been faithful to you in your past, and you can trust He will continue to be in your present and future.

When you’re in danger, or even when you’re not in danger, but you’re fearful and need help – GO TO JESUS FIRST!

The devotional title text of "When in Danger" overlaying a stormy ocean horizon with a boat in the midst of waves and a red, cloudy sky. At the bottom, the Bible verse Luke 8:23-24a text of "And as they sailed [Jesus] fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water and were in danger. And they went and woke him.