Trust in the Lord
In looking over the different people involved in the birth account of Jesus, do you see a theme?
- Mary and Joseph were the first to know and they trusted in the message from God that the angels told them, both with pregnancy and in fleeing to Egypt. (Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 2:13-15)
- The shepherds heard the message from God as the host of angels proclaimed to them in the field and they trusted that it truly meant ALL people as they walked to find Jesus. (Luke 2:8-20)
- The wisemen saw the star and trusted the prophecies God had given through His prophets of old that they took up the long journey to seek after Jesus. (Matthew 2:1-12)
- Simeon, who was at the temple when Jesus was presented during the time of purification, trusted that the message the Holy Spirit gave him about not seeing death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ would come about, and it did. (Luke 2:22-35)
They all trusted the message God gave them. They trusted God.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
We are told to trust God with all our hearts, and Jesus told us, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.” (Matthew 22:37)
Now trust often doesn’t come easily to many people. In most cases, I hear it said that trust is not given, it’s earned. Even putting aside the fact that God has proven His trustworthiness since before the foundation of the world, the reason we can and should trust Him stems from our love for Him. If we are following the first commandment and loving Him with all our heart, soul, and mind, then we will naturally trust Him. As we exercise our faith more and more, that trust becomes so strong, the world would call it blind trust. That “blind trust” is what I call a fruit of following the first commandment and greatest commandment, and it is pleasing to God.
Think over the times in your past when God has shown you His faithfulness, love, mercy, grace, provision, long-suffering, and goodness. There has never been a time in your life that God has failed you, and He won’t in your future either. He has cleansed your past, He holds your future, and He’s refining you in the present.
What are you facing in the present?
- Can you relate to Mary and Joseph, facing an impossible and uncomfortable circumstance of birthing a child in a stable and having to flee a murderous king?
- Can you relate to being outcasts like the shepherds and feeling alone and unaccepted?
- Can you relate to the wisemen facing a long unknown journey following a sign from God?
- Can you relate to Simeon, waiting for a promise from God that may be taking longer than you expected or hoped for?
Your story may be similar or different, but God sees you through it, He is with you every. single. step of the way, and He is worthy of your unconditional love and trust.
God loved you first, He reconciled you to Himself, and He is with you always. Every day, purpose your heart to wholly love Him and trust Him.