Sowing Seeds

November 23, 2022 — Krystal Craven
Devotional title text of "Sowing Seeds" overlaying a man in a field with a large bucket, throwing a large handful of seeds.

And when a great crowd was gathering and people from town after town came to him, he said in a parable, “A sower went out to sow his seed. (Luke 8:4-5a)

Last week we dug into the introspective look at the soil of our own hearts. This week, we’re looking at the perspective of the sower and what that means for a follower of Christ.

Every sower sows seed, but there are differences in how those seeds are sown. One sower may dig specific areas in which to sow the seeds, another sower may only sow on good soil and not get close to any other areas that may lead to seed falling on the pathway, near rocky area, or where thorns may grow, and yet another may sow without prejudice and let the seeds fall where they may. In all these, the sowers who sow sparingly may have a higher percent of successful growth, but their overall reaping will likely be less than the one who sows liberally allowing the seed to cover as much good soil as possible even if some seeds don’t ever grow.

Being a Good Sower

With the seed being the Word of God, we are charged with the calling of sharing the good news and discipling according to God’s Word. In order to do this well, we cannot be sowers who sow sparingly. We need to let the seeds fly far and wide and share with anyone and everyone who will listen. We don’t know exactly what kind of heart soil it will fall on, but our calling is not to make the seeds grow, it’s simply to sow it.

What Kind of Sower are You?

As the Lord works on tending to the soil in people’s hearts, He expects the laborers of His fields to go out and sow. You never know where someone’s heart is at at any given time, and wouldn’t you hate to miss an opportunity for a seed to be planted and watered simply because you were sowing sparingly?

We’re not expected to make seeds grow, the growth is the Lords, but the works of sowing will reap heavenly rewards for you. If you sow sparingly, you’re not only missing opportunity for others to receive the seed of the Word into their life, but you’re limiting your own opportunity for rewards that God would delight to give you for your work.

You cannot expect to reap bountifully if you sow sparingly.

At Thanksgiving and leading up to Christmas, we all tend to see more family, friends, and strangers as we prepare to celebrate the holidays. What a great time and opportunity to resolve to be a good sower among those whom we come in contact with.

If you have an ear to hear, heed the reminder that as a sower in God’s field, go out and sow generously as you proclaim the truth of the gospel in love to all who will listen!

May you go forth and sow generously, my friend!

The text of "You cannot expect to reap bountifully if you sow sparingly. Be a good sower of God's Word" overlaying a man in a field with a large bucket, throwing a large handful of seeds.