Applying the Bible

A weekly devotional designed to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, through practical application of spiritual truths from God’s word.

The title text "Acknowledge or Deny" over a picture of a wooden gavel.
December 14, 2023
Acknowledge or Deny

We know God’s heart and that His desire is that no one should perish but that all would come to repentance, so we should share His heart and actions for the lost.

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The title text "Fear God, Not Man" over a wall with the shadow of a gun and another shadow of hands held up.
December 7, 2023
Fear God, Not Man

As we grow in our relationship with God and are reminded of how great our God is, we won’t fear the people and circumstances that we’ll face in life.

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The title text "Beware of the Leaven" over a picture of bread rolls in a turquoise dish.
November 30, 2023
Beware of the Leaven

Abide in Jesus, letting the word of Christ dwell richly in you, and not only read what it says, but also do what it says.

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The title text "Cleanse the Inside" over a picture of a person's hands cleaning a cup with a sponge over a sink.
November 16, 2023
Cleanse the Inside

Jesus desires for our hearts to be clean and pure before Him, which requires self-examination and full surrender to God.

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The title text "The Lamp of Your Body" overlaying a lit lamp at dusk on a beach.
November 9, 2023
The Lamp of Your Body

If we are to love others, truly love them the way Christ loves them, then we will let our lights shine and put it on a stand to give light to all in the house.

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The title text "Something Greater than Jonah is Here" overlaying a man swimming underwater near coral with a whale in the background.
November 2, 2023
Something Greater than Jonah is Here

Jesus, as our living hope who died to redeem us and rose on the third day and has set us free from the captivity of our sin, is coming to take us home someday soon.

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The title text "Blessed Rather Are Those" overlaying an image of a statue of Mary the mother of Jesus with a flower wreath on the head of the statue in a garden.
October 26, 2023
Blessed Rather Are Those

We could be willing to listen and obey, but if we don’t open the word of God then we can’t hear Him speak to us.

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The title text "Worse than the first" overlaying an image of a blonde person in a red hooded jacket writhing in agony.
October 19, 2023
Worse Than the First

The only way to be truly free is through Jesus.

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The title text "Whoever Does Not Gather, Scatters" overlaying eggs in a bowl on a wooden table with additional eggs scattered outside the bowl.
October 12, 2023
Whoever Does Not Gather, Scatters

Be sure to gather with Jesus and His Church the way He designed and wills for you to.

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The title text "A Kingdom Divided" overlaying a partially collapsing brick building.
October 5, 2023
A Kingdom Divided

If a church is dividing within, they won’t be effective in the mission God gave them.

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The title text "Ask for the Holy Spirit" overlaying a green out of focus image.
September 28, 2023
Ask for the Holy Spirit

We all know we need the Holy Spirit, so take Jesus at His word in this and ask!

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The title text "Persistent Prayer Changes Us" overlaying a profile silhoette of a man standing with his hands pressed together with his face towards the sky.
September 21, 2023
Persistent Prayer Changes Us

When we pray in alignment with His will we will receive, find, and the door will be opened to us.

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The title text "Lord Teach Us to Pray" overlaying a photo of a man knealing on one knee and praying with his head bowed.
September 14, 2023
Lord, Teach Us to Pray

We can’t expect to instantly forgive and never have issues or feel like there’s still unforgiveness lingering, forgiveness is a journey.

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The title text "The Good Portion" overlaying a photo taken from the perspective of a person looking at their right foot.
September 7, 2023
The Good Portion

Are you overwhelmed and anxious? Choose the good portion that won’t be taken from you and sit at the feet of your Savior.

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