Submit & Resist
Jesus was successful in resisting the devil in the wilderness. Here's a look at the practical things we can glean from Jesus' example and use in our own resisting of the devil.
Keep ReadingA weekly devotional designed to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, through practical application of spiritual truths from God’s word.
Jesus was successful in resisting the devil in the wilderness. Here's a look at the practical things we can glean from Jesus' example and use in our own resisting of the devil.
Keep ReadingSometimes Bible verses like John 3:16 can become a simple rote memory, but when we stop to read and think on this verse, it is jam packed with richness for the new believer and mature believer alike.
Keep ReadingPain and suffering pushes us to be mighty, but where do we go from there? Gideon shows us that we should go where ever it is the LORD sends us.
Keep ReadingAs I celebrate my 15th wedding anniversary today, I am reminded of not only the wonderful man that God joined me with as one flesh, and God’s amazing grace in bringing us together, but I’m also reminded of my Bridegroom Jesus, the perfect husband to His Bride, the Church.
Keep ReadingOur God and Father gives His children good gifts. Among those that stand out are His unconditional love, physical life, abundant and eternal life, and the Holy Spirit.
Keep ReadingIsaiah's vision in Isaiah 6 gives us a great insight to a proper response to the presence of God, our iniquity, and His calling of ambassadors.
Keep ReadingIf soldiers don’t get entangled with civilian pursuits, because their aim is to please the one who enlisted them, then we as spiritual soldiers in God’s army shouldn’t get entangled in the world’s pursuits because it takes our focus away from the One whom we serve and often to the detriment of His Kingdom’s work.
Keep ReadingAs Christians, it’s important to not become calloused to the sacrifice that Jesus gave of Himself for us. One way we do that is through communion which we do in remembrance of Him.
Keep ReadingBefore Jesus ascended, He gave the great commission AND the command to wait until being clothed with power from on high, which was the promise of the Holy Spirit. This clothing is something that wasn't just for the early church, but is meant to daily clothe Christ followers today.
Keep ReadingI’m going to be transparent with you, lately I feel like I’ve been in a spiritual desert. This is the only way I've learned to get through these dry seasons.
Keep ReadingWith Mother’s Day this coming weekend, I couldn’t help but think of Jesus’ mother, Mary. The gospel’s don’t mention a whole lot about her, but what they do mention paints such a sweet image of whom God chose to bear His Son.
Keep ReadingEven if you haven't gardened, the principle of sowing and reaping is one that we learn from observation. God has told us that He will not be mocked and what we sow, we will reap. How can we
Keep ReadingJesus warned us in Matthew 10 that persecution would come, but do we live as though we're expecting and ready for it? Let's take a look at practical and spiritual ways to prepare for the inevitable.
Keep ReadingAs we're in tax season, the words of Jesus, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." and it bears the question: What should we be rendering to God?
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