Walking With Purpose
Jesus walked in His earthly ministry regardless of the hatred and persecution that followed Him. In our life of following Jesus here, we can't expect any different.
Keep ReadingA weekly devotional designed to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, through practical application of spiritual truths from God’s word.
Jesus walked in His earthly ministry regardless of the hatred and persecution that followed Him. In our life of following Jesus here, we can't expect any different.
Keep ReadingWe know that with calling into ministry work, there is going to be times of trial and equipping. Whatever state you find yourself in right now, remember that the Holy Spirit is leading you with a purpose.
Keep ReadingAs shepherds came the night of Jesus' birth and Mary experienced her 12 year old son in the synagogue, she treasured up these things in her heart. Let's dive in to why it's important to treasure things up in our hearts.
Keep ReadingWhen we think of the wilderness in biblical accounts, it’s a physical and metaphorical place, but often seen physically displayed in an account while reading the spiritual work being done there.
Keep ReadingWhen the angel Gabriel had visited Zechariah and told him that his wife, Elizabeth, would have a child, Zechariah responded with doubt. The consequence was being mute until the prophecy of his son's birth was fulfilled, but he still finished the time of his service.
Keep ReadingIn the two verses in Ephesians 2:10 and Philippians 1:6, it simultaneously says that we ARE, as in presently, God’s masterpiece and that the work WILL BE brought to completion. So how are we both a finished masterpiece yet a work in progress at the same time?
Keep ReadingIf you don't resist the devil's temptation of pride, God will resist you. When met with reality that God resists the proud, it should stir us to check our hearts for pride.
Keep ReadingWhen Jesus commissioned His servants to make disciples, He fully intended us to live life with those whom are made disciples in order to teach to, not just share the gospel with and convert and be on our merry way.
Keep ReadingBe honest with yourself. Do you feel like a failure or like your weakness is defining who you are? Never forget that your identity is in Christ and God is calling you to be a faithful steward.
Keep ReadingOne of the hardest parts is often coming to a place of accepting that pain is going to be a part of our process, and still choosing to move forward in it.
Keep ReadingThis king set such a good example of how to respond when faced with bad circumstances. As we face our battles of today, here's what we can glean from his response to this battle of his day.
Keep ReadingOur Heavenly Father knows what we need and will supply every need. We can trust that He won't withhold from us when He's already given us Jesus.
Keep ReadingAs God speaks directly to the tribe of Ephraim, pointing out that He is not like the idols, He is alive, responding and looking after His people, He then uses a simile that can get easily overlooked: “I am like an evergreen cypress; from me comes your fruit.”
Keep ReadingYou may have heard "Count it all joy" when you're going through trials, but let's focus on the second half of this verse and the reason in which we can count it all joy.
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