About Krystal

Hi and thanks for stopping by! I’m Krystal, a wife, mother, worship leader, and singer-songwriter. I live with chronic illness, and by the grace of God alone I am able to walk in the works of this music ministry He has called me to.
My History:
I have loved music for as long as I can remember. I’m pretty sure I was singing before I could talk, haha! I was given a guitar by a friend of mine at the start of junior high (which was a real beater but I treasured that thing!) and from there I taught myself to play. I also sang in choir in high school.

I met my husband in high school, we got married soon after graduating, and while we attended church, we were more of what you’d call Sunday Christians. It wasn’t until we got pregnant with our first child that we really got involved at church and started to have close personal relationships with God (man, He is so patient and long suffering and I am so grateful for Him and the steadfast love He constantly shows!)
As an adult I got involved with the worship team as a singer. After several years of singing with the worship team and leading worship at women’s bible study, our worship director asked me to pray about being a worship leader for services on Sundays and Wednesdays. I was scared and intimidated by this, but after seeking God for His answer to whether I should step into that position, I had a peace and confidence from God to go back to our director and tell him I was willing to do it. Our director spent the time mentoring me in the musical technicalities on guitar and I grew immensely over a very short amount of time. Even with our family having moved up here to the Bay Area (over 7 hours away!), I’m still growing from what he taught me!
My Ongoing Battle:
For years I tried to ignore and hide the fact that I have neurological conditions. It, at times, has completely taken over and since many people don’t know how to respond to it, I tried to hide when it was visible and act like nothing is ever wrong. God convicted me on this and while my heart wants to bring Him glory through everything, I wasn’t willing to share it which can bring Him glory because of how He is constantly meeting me in this battle. So I have determined to be transparent and to share my hardships, my doubt, my pain, and more importantly share how God has prevailed through it all and may He be glorified always through my life!
Over the course of 5 years, I was diagnosed with neurological conditions and it’s been and continues to be a crazy and painful ride, both physically and emotionally. As I have gone and continue to go through this ongoing battle, I am growing in the Lord and I wouldn’t trade that reward for anything. There are ups and downs by the hours, days, weeks, and seasons, but the Lord has faithfully, gracefully, and lovingly met me daily as I walk through this with Him. If you’re interested, here’s a post about my journey: The Painful Road of Neurological Disorders
It has been and continues to be a very long road of pain, weird symptoms, confusion, intermittent depression, frustration, ups from healing, and downs from new symptoms, but God still faithfully stays with me and gives me grace to not only get by but to have an abundant life in Him. I may have certain limitations from these disabilities but I can attest that the things He calls me to do, His grace always has been and I know always will be sufficient!
In March 2020 - GOD healed the vast majority of my symptoms through a 30 day fast He led me to do (which you can read about it in my post: Hello, My Name is Healed) Unfortunately, it only lasted so long and I have experienced a return of symptoms, along with another diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. I am not giving up hope of healing on this side of eternity, but it has been a rocky ride that has been trying my resolve, contentment, and been a battle between flesh and spirit. I KNOW He is faithful and will continue to work in me and all things for my good, even if that means dealing with chronic illness for yet even longer. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

My Service to God:
I currently homeschool my kids, write and record music, and lead worship at our church. I occasionally get asked to lead worship at women’s conferences and retreats for other churches and do that as the Lord leads.
I have been working on recording the music that I’ve written, some from years ago and others more recently written, and for a while didn’t know how to get them out for people to hear. My heart and desire isn’t to be the most popular recording artist, it’s to write the music that the Lord inspires and puts on my heart to write and then share it so others may be blessed. Many times the songs I write come from what I’m going through and from my devotional time in the Word. If they can help inspire and bless others, I don’t want to sit on them, I want to share them. And since God has also put on my heart to be transparent and share the hardships that I endure through my ongoing battle and the things that He encourages me with as I study His word, this website is how I can do that.
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I’d love to hear from you if my music or blog has encouraged, inspired, or blessed you or if you have anything you’d like to share that I can be keeping in prayer, or if you’d like to get in touch about having me come lead worship, please feel free to get in touch.